Trending Topic Statistics and Insights
Longest Trending
- Marlon for 24 hrs
- #LaCasaDelLosFamosoCol for 23 hrs
- Benedetti for 22 hrs
- Consejo de Ministros for 22 hrs
- Jorge Rojas for 22 hrs
Trends with Maximum Tweets
- USAID with 56M tweet
- Gaza with 22M tweet
- #TheHeartKillersEP11 with 4.2M tweet
- Consejo de Ministros with 2.5M tweet
- Reality with 2.2M tweet
New Trends
- Rey de Copas at #19
- #SDVSF at #20
- Florentin at #24
- LeBron at #26
- #escupiresobresustumbas at #28