Trending Topic Statistics and Insights
Longest Trending
- Maulana for 20 hrs
- विदेश मंत्री for 19 hrs
- #गरीबदासजी_को_मिले_कबीरभगवान for 18 hrs
- मणिशंकर अय्यर for 18 hrs
- अनुज चौधरी for 17 hrs
Trends with Maximum Tweets
- #गरीबदासजी_को_मिले_कबीरभगवान with 4.8M tweet
- jennie with 3.1M tweet
- 5Days Left For Bodh Diwas with 2.7M tweet
- #FriendlyRivalry with 2.7M tweet
- hobi with 2.2M tweet
New Trends
- #StandWithDharma at #4
- Hinduism Targeted at #5
- पंडित गोविंद बल्लभ पंत at #12
- सच्चिदानंद हीरानंद वात्स्यायन at #15
- Agencies Puppet InSSRCase at #20