Daegu, Korea X (Twitter) Trends for last 24 hours

Twitter Trends Timeline for last 24 hours

Trending Topic Statistics and Insights

  1. 대설주의보 for 21 hrs
  2. 마비노기 모바일 for 21 hrs
  3. 유스티나 for 21 hrs
  4. 졸업 축하 for 20 hrs
  5. 대왕고래 for 20 hrs

Trends with Maximum Tweets

  1. 패션위크 with 473K tweet
  2. #DREAMTEAMforDREAM with 372K tweet
  3. 재난문자 with 279K tweet
  4. 네오센터 with 179K tweet
  5. #NJZ with 101K tweet
  1. #아티스트_회복이먼저 at #12
  2. #FNC_공연연기_빠른결정부탁 at #13
  3. 지구멸망 at #31
  4. 혜공 투표 at #37
  5. 향년 78세 at #40
  2. 대왕고래
  3. 재난문자
  4. 졸업 축하
  5. 대설주의보

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