Seoul, Korea X (Twitter) Trends for last 24 hours

Twitter Trends Timeline for last 24 hours

Trending Topic Statistics and Insights

  1. #발전이_쩐다는걸_보여주는_사진2장 for 24 hrs
  2. 동덕여대 for 23 hrs
  3. 성신여대 for 22 hrs
  4. #성신_국제학부_남학생_추진반대 for 22 hrs
  5. 페미니즘 for 21 hrs

Trends with Maximum Tweets

  1. 동덕여대 with 9.2M tweet
  2. 성신여대 with 1.9M tweet
  3. 페미니즘 with 992K tweet
  4. 빼빼로데이 with 960K tweet
  5. #When_시즈니_With_7드림 with 909K tweet
  1. 정부효율부 at #3
  2. 머스크 발탁 at #9
  3. 인사사가 at #14
  4. 징역 2년 at #24
  5. 공직선거법 at #25
  1. 동덕여대
  2. #발전이_쩐다는걸_보여주는_사진2장
  3. 빼빼로데이
  4. 겨울 안부
  5. 페미니즘 - tracking X (formerly twitter) Trending Topics for over a decade.

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