Worldwide X (Twitter) Trends for last 24 hours

Twitter Trends Timeline for last 24 hours

Wed Dec 25 2024 11:24:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

    Trending Topic Statistics and Insights

    1. 仕事納め for 17 hrs
    2. Happy Hanukkah for 14 hrs
    3. ツムツム for 12 hrs
    4. FAMILY CLUB online for 10 hrs
    5. Kohli for 9 hrs

    Trends with Maximum Tweets

    1. Christmas with 36M tweet
    2. Happy Holidays with 7M tweet
    3. Merry Christmas with 6.7M tweet
    4. Beyoncé with 5.3M tweet
    5. Christmas Day with 4.5M tweet
    1. #学マス初のフェスガシャ開催中 at #1
    2. #SquidGame2 at #8
    3. 가요대제전 at #15
    4. 有線イヤホン at #20
    5. エネルギー1年分 at #21
    1. 仕事納め
    2. 事前結成
    3. #荒野エヴァ殿堂襲来
    4. 協力求ム
    5. #未所持エヴァコラボ金枠確定 - tracking X (formerly twitter) Trending Topics for over a decade.

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